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A case study: Nanoformulation for enhanced drug delivery and better patient compliance

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A case study: Nanoformulation for enhanced drug delivery and better patient compliance

One of the biggest challenges in bringing a new chemical entity (NCE) to market, or in realising its potential is solubility. Frequent-dose therapies in drug development mean that low drug solubility becomes a potential bottleneck for pharmaceutical formulators. This not only results in more time to bring new drugs to market, but also affects the lives of patients in need.

In this case study, Losan Pharma and BENEO pool their combined resources. In this way, we have succeeded in developing a prototype for a solid oral dosage form of dexamethasone, an active ingredient that is virtually insoluble in water and only needs to be taken once a day. The case study of a nanoformulation shows how quickly and easily even complicated once-daily products can be developed with the right technological approach.

The study has been published in IPI – International Pharmaceutical Industry:

Nanoformulation-for-Enhanced-Drug-Delivery-and-Better-Patient-Compliance.pdf (international-pharma.com)





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