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Losan Pharma GmbH
Losan Pharma GmbH

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Losan Pharma Starts the First Online Innovation Circle

Losan Pharma starts the first online innovation circle on “Nanoliposomes for oral delivery of peptides and macromolecules” to overcome social distancing caused by Corona.

Collaboration and interaction in a protected environment is key for innovation. The Corona threat requires to rethink the way we come together. “Online” is the obvious solution but needs similar protection and trust as offline meetings. Losan Pharma is kicking-off their first innovation circle on ipOcean’s trust network. ipOcean is a new platform for the inter-organizational presentation, exchange and collaboration for solutions, technology and innovations.

Dr. Matthias Rischer, will coordinate and organize the jump-start of this important initiative. Dr. Jens Morgenthaler, General Manager of Losan Pharma, states: “The Corona pandemia is a real challenge for all of us and will certainly change the project and B2B discussions in the pharma world as well. With this new digital marketplace approach we want to start a new innovative platform to come into contact with our partners and to bring this new Losan approach into a successful technology approach. We want to achieve to have discussions and collaborations online on a trust or protection level similar or even higher compared to offline meeting. Downtime in innovation will result in long term negative consequences for each company as well as for the society.”” This first online innovation circle will be accompaigned with the start of the on-demand, B2B marketplace of Losan on ipOcean.

Holger Geissler, CEO of ipOcean: “Today, ipOcean is a platform for on-demand B2B marketplaces – protected to the needs of our users, for offering and passing-on solutions and innovation. It is an easy extension of today’s web presence – just highly protected and secure. Even exhibitions are easy to realize on the platform. We have started the journey of ipOcean about a year ago and have not anticipated Corona at that point. We are driven by the goal to accelerate innovation to a new outstanding level via an online, protected platform in order to have a tool to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. We designed the platform to solve the key pain points of the industry with respect to knowledge and technology transfer and collaboration. Today, the platform is an easy solution to overcome the social distancing caused by Corona. Many Thanks to Losan to go this new and important way with ipOcean.”

Losan Pharma GmbH (Losan) is a pharma-technology company focused on developing and manufacturing medicinal products with improved API performance and convenient application. Earlier this year Losan has reached the jury level of the “Großer Preis des Mittelstandes” 2020 award of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation. This makes Losan one of the 553 companies selected from a total of 4,970 medium-sized companies nominated nationwide: https://losan-pharma.de/

ipOcean Global GmbH (ipOcean) is a blockchain driven, proprietary internet network for enabling organizations to transfer knowledge, technology, solutions … in a protected way online. It is combining the speed, connectivity and power of an internet platforms as LinkedIn with proof of ownership, transfer & delivery, agreements & e-signature on the fly as well as identification in a verifiable and manipulation protected way. With this technology, ipOcean is focusing initially on B2B, protected, on-demand marketplaces and exhibitions for solutions & innovations: https://my.ipocean.com/




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First online innovation circle on IpOcean
First online innovation circle on IpOcean
Nutzung in Medien

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Als CDMO-Partner der pharmazeutischen Industrie für die Auftragsentwicklung und Auftragsherstellung, bieten wir unseren Kunden seit 1992 innovative Lösungen für feste, halbfeste und flüssige Darreichungsformen. Für unsere Kunden fertigen wir Produkte, die weltweit in über 70 Ländern vertrieben werden. Mit unserer Auftragsanalytik unterstützen wir Pharmaunternehmen jeder Größe bei ihren Herausforderungen im Bereich Rohstoffanalytik bis hin zur Methodenentwicklung und -validierung.

Losan Pharma GmbH

Otto-Hahn-Straße 13
79395 Neuenburg