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Annual review of Losan Pharma events 2022

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Annual review of Losan Pharma events 2022

On the first and second of November we met our customers and future business partners at the #CPhI2022 in Frankfurt. We were pleased to discuss exciting topics such as:

  • contract development of innovative products from design to commercial manufacturing, as well as the applied technologies: hot melt extrusion and nano formulations, pellet coating, granules, effervescent and oro-dispersible formulations, retard formulations and stick packs.
  • contract manufacturing for solid dosage forms such as tablets, capsules and effervescent tablets, as well as the manufacturing of liquids and semi solids.
  • contract analysis for companies of all sizes, Big Pharma, medium-sized companies as well as start-ups.

Losan at AAPS PharmSci360 in Boston

In October, we attended AAPS 2022 #PHARMSCI360 in Boston, a great platform to discuss the solutions Losan Pharma offers to:

  • enhance bioavailability
  • improve API stability
  • provide modified release formulations.

We have also taken the opportunity to present the New NanoLipoSome (NLS) technology during a rapid fire session on Pharmsci360.

In February, attendees from over 20 countries joined Losan Pharma's virtual Scientific Drug Delivery Conference 2022 to learn about topics related to:

  • drug delivery
  • nanotechnology
  • 3D printing.

The mix of speakers from university research, large industry and mid-sized companies contributed greatly to an exciting and diverse agenda.

We hope to meet again in 2024 for the 5th Losan Pharma Scientific Drug Delivery Conference.




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Zugehörige Meldungen

Review of our 4th Drug Delivery Conference

Review of our 4th Drug Delivery Conference

Attendees from over 20 countries joined our virtual Scientific Drug Delivery Conference 2022 on Tuesday 15th February to learn about topics specifically related to drug delivery, about nanotechnology and 3D printing. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to each of the speakers as well as to the participants who gave their time to attend and to contribute.

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Wir sind ein innovatives Pharmatechnologie-Unternehmen das sich auf die Entwicklung und Herstellung moderner Arzneimittelformen mit optimierter Wirkstoffperformance spezialisiert hat.
Als CDMO-Partner der pharmazeutischen Industrie für die Auftragsentwicklung und Auftragsherstellung, bieten wir unseren Kunden seit 1992 innovative Lösungen für feste, halbfeste und flüssige Darreichungsformen. Für unsere Kunden fertigen wir Produkte, die weltweit in über 70 Ländern vertrieben werden. Mit unserer Auftragsanalytik unterstützen wir Pharmaunternehmen jeder Größe bei ihren Herausforderungen im Bereich Rohstoffanalytik bis hin zur Methodenentwicklung und -validierung.

Losan Pharma GmbH

Otto-Hahn-Straße 13
79395 Neuenburg